Artwork Guidelines

Sending us your artwork

When placing an order, you can upload your artwork using the "upload" box on the order page before you add the item to your shopping cart.

If your artwork is not ready and you would like to place an order then you can send it to us via email at a later date to or use our upload system for large files.

Preparing your artwork

Well prepared artwork is the most important factor in creating a great printed product.

Although we can print from a very wide range of file types and formats to ensure the best possible result please use our preferred Artwork Specifications as detailed below.

Artwork specifications

  • Format - Save your file as PDF or JPEG
  • Colour - CMYK
  • Bleed - 3mm (this is the extra border required so you don't have white edges)
  • Safe Zone - 3mm (keep text 5mm away from edge to stop crop)
  • Resolution - 300dpi
  • Fonts - embedded/curves